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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Why I am Speaking Against CRT & BLM at School Board Meetings

My middle daughter texted the following:

“I know you to always speak your mind. So, just for clarity, what are your expectations in pursuing these controversial topics with the school board?”

My response:

“My answer is since the Lord put it on my heart to go speak to the school boards (I have 14 more to go), then the results are in His hands. I just obey. God brings the results. Reluctant Jonah was sent to Nineveh to preach. He did and God brought the results (Jonah 3). I taught y'all about Jonah when y'all were little girls. The Ephesians heard and believed the gospel, and the Holy Spirit gave the results ( sealing) in 1:13. I don't know that God will bring a sweeping move of the Holy Spirit, hardly expect it. If Christians are true to God's word by reading it, strong convictions about truth and righteousness will be rooted in their hearts, and thus be much easier to be moved by God to take on challenges regardless of the consequences and/or results. I am moved by my godly convictions and led by the Holy Spirit to speak the truth about anything to anybody just as the Old Testament prophets and the Apostle Paul did in their days.”

My oldest daughter texted:

“I'm curious too -- do all students, parents, teachers, and staff have to be Christian for a public school to work effectively?”

“Answering V's question, "effectively" can be taken in two ways: effectively good or effectively bad. Bad ideology is effectively bad, and good ideology is effectively good. Christians should always make the distinction, according to the Bible, and choose the good. Ironically, some unbelievers choose good, and the weak, fearful believers choose badly. The distinctions are absolute. We need God's help to stay on the right side. Public schools in America are not Christian oriented and therefore neither are their goals. There sure is enough evidence to show that public schools and colleges have drifted away from the right way over many years. I went to preschool and kindergarten in a Baptist church (1951-1952). After 70 years, I've seen drastic changes, especially since prayer and the Bible in public schools became illegal in 1963. Openly "gay," lesbianism, teenage pregnancy, and abortions were "closet" sins in the late '50s to early '60s. Now they're considered normal. All of that is effectively bad, and unfortunately, many believers in Christ have "bitten the bullet."

So, not all students, parents, teachers, and staff necessarily have to be a Christian, but it's arguably true that it would be effectively much better if that were the case, including in the fields of government, education, business, medical, and especially Christian churches. The bottom line is the truth. Jesus said God's word is truth (John 17:17).”

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