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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Where do we wait after death?

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Waiting Somewhere After Death

A question from a friend:

“I was asked the question about from a kid who was recently saved about a month ago. Question: where are ppl waiting at when they die. I just heard about it but I’d like to get the perspective from you guys. I know Hebrew 9:27 speaks that we meet God but does the word tell us where are waiting while Christ return is near?”

My response:

“Read Paul’s statements in

2 Corinthians 5:6-8 and Philippians 1:23. There’s no idea of dying and then waiting to go to heaven for the saints. The Lord Jesus is in heaven (Acts 1:11). Paul says we’ll “be absent from body and present with the Lord.” Also, he had no doubt that once he departed this life, he would “be with Christ.” The point of Hebrews 9:27 is that Christ died once, and no more, for our sins. So, men will die only once and then face judgment. The believer’s judgment will be in heaven at the judgment seat of Christ (called the “Bema”) to determine only their rewards, not their destination (1 Cor. 3:11-15). The unbelievers will be judged on earth at the “Great White Throne” (Rev. 20:11-15). However, the unbelievers are currently waiting in hades for that final judgment. Read the parable in Luke 16:19-31. Hades is a waterless underworld of darkness yet intensely heated by some kind of flames to torment unsaved souls who died.

I hope that helps. Be sure to read the passages I provided. To be fair, I must say not everyone agrees with what I just shared. The important matter is that Scripture must be used to support one’s view. Blessings!”

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