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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

When Will Jesus Return?

Referring to His 2nd coming, Jesus said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone” (Matthew 24:36). Thus, setting dates for His coming is an assumption that Jesus lied. Some have set dates anyway. In 1833, William Miller first shared publicly his belief that the second coming of Jesus Christ would occur in roughly the year 1843. It didn’t happen, of course. So, a second date was set for October 22, 1844. NO SHOW. So, his view on the 2nd Coming was restated. It is very unwise to claim to know the time of the second coming. It is wise to believe in it, desire and expect it without setting dates. It is distinguished in Scripture from the rapture which involves the catching up of the church to be with the Lord. The church consists only of believers in Jesus’ death and resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). See Revelation 19:11-16 for the 2nd Coming when Christ returns with His saints. The difference is striking (believers going up to be with Jesus and then coming with Him upon His return). That’s the “blessed hope” of every believer (Titus 2:23). The most important knowledge is not the timing of the 2nd Coming but knowing Jesus Christ as Savior right now. His coming is imminent.


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