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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Visiting Uvalde

Luke, a dear brother-in-Christ, and I left San Antonio around 9:30 am to travel 85 miles west to visit Uvalde, TX where a tragedy snuffed out the lives of 19 precious elementary school-aged children and two teachers. When we arrived, a crowd had already gathered near a fence that bordered the school grounds. People had come from surrounding cities to show their support by leaving flowers, teddy bears, and other paraphernalia. Red balloons were above the students’ pictures. There was a great heaviness felt in the crowd as indicated by bowed heads, tears, and looks of bewilderment and despair. Pictures of all 19 students were displayed but no pictures of the two teachers were seen.

Luke began to quote 23 Psalm out loud as he walked through the crowd. He was joined by a Mexican brother (Luis) who read the same psalm in Spanish. I was mingling in the crowd asking if any were related to the victims. “No.” So, I joined Luke and Luis, and we read passages mostly on salvation, hope, and assurance for over 3 hours. Some people touched us as they passed by, some said “Amen,” one lady hugged us, and one lady wanted to give us money which we kindly turned down. Many pictures were taken of us. We were joined by two other brothers (another Mexican and a black). We trusted in what God said about his word: “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it produce and sprout, And providing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10-11).

The most heartbreaking part was visiting the mortuary. There Luke and I saw the remains of precious little 10-year old Maite Rodriquez. She’s beautiful and, it seems, had every reason to be alive, enjoying school, celebrating Memorial Day alive, and happily getting ready for summer vacation. No one, including her, had any idea that was not to be so. She is lying in a casket on Memorial Day 😔.

I groaned and felt a heaviness in my heart as I stared at her lying in her casket. I also felt a bit of anger. “WHY!?” No answer came. My conclusion: God who is eternally good allowed it for a good purpose, and I will never know in this life what is that purpose. Romans 11:33-36.

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