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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Verbal Sparring or Sharing the Truth About God?

A classmate shared her feelings in a text about not getting into “verbal sparring” with a same-sex advocate. My response is the following: “Thanks for your responses. I understand about the ‘verbal sparring.’ I agree that it’s not necessarily a means to win unbelievers to Christ. The Holy Spirit does that with the gospel as we share it, even though not everyone who hears it responds positively. But, it’s still necessary to share the gospel for at least three reasons.

(1) Humanity is saturated with sin – Rom. 3:23; 5:12

(2) Our mandate is the Great Commission – Matt. 28:18-20

(3) We need to defend our biblical faith against false teachings – 1 Peter 3:15

Defending our faith against any kind of false teaching may seem like ‘verbal sparring,’ but a mind devoid of God (Rom. 1:28) needs to hear the truth without getting entangled in political correctness. See 1 Tim. 6:20-21; 2 Tim. 2:15-19; 3:1-5. So, once we tell unbelievers the truth, we leave it up to the Holy Spirit to convince them (John 16:7-11). Make sense?”

Your thoughts welcome.


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