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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

The Church Should Be True to God’s Word

I share the burden of so many likeminded believers and want to do all I can to help them in this modern spiritual battle the church is experiencing. I was told that "the modern concept of ministries in the church seems man made.”

My response:

“Most ministries in many of today's local churches are man made. Why? Because a very basic truth is ignored. That is, Jesus said "I will build my church"

(Matt. 16:18). Another overlooked truth is HOW Jesus builds His church - "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you...Amen"

(Matthew 28:20). In AD 33, the church started out good (Acts 2:40-47). By around AD 96, most of the church ignored Jesus' often repeated admonition "to hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches" (Revelation 2:7). By medieval times (AD 500-1500), church leadership monopolized the Bible, making it illegal to copy it in other languages besides Latin and to accept teachings not given by priests. There are no scriptures to support that. In modern times, Bible truth is mostly denied, even by many churches, Bible schools, and seminaries. This explains why modern church ministries seem man made. Bible language is impressively used, but the simple Bible method according to the Great Commission is ignored. Bottom line, the church needs to be true to God's word.”

That’s why my strong conviction is that Bible exposition, Christian doctrine, and apologetics are desperately needed to be taught. As R. C. Sproul once said, “A church that doesn’t teach doctrine is a dead church.”


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