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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Spirit-Led Evangelism is Not Without Challenges

We can definitely see that being led by the Holy Spirit does not mean our lives are without challenges, especially trouble from hostile unbelievers. Unfortunately, believers can also be troublesome, often due to ignorance and narrow mindedness (Acts 11:1-3). Jesus ate and drank “with the sinners and tax collectors” (unethical IRS workers [Mark 2:16]). The objective? Getting sinners saved. Just as Christ “slammed the breaks” on Paul’s wretched life, He did the same with us. Being aware that God has changed us (2 Cor. 5:17), we can depend on the Holy Spirit to help us be willing to give our lives for His sake (Rom. 14:8). We must also keep in mind that Acts teaches us that evangelism is Spirit-led. That’s the only way it can be effective. The missionary journeys of Paul was initiated by the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:2-3). Through intense trials the Holy Spirit still made Paul and his companions effective in evangelism so that at least ten churches were started in Asia and Europe. May we allow the Holy Spirit to use us to effectively reach souls for Christ, especially in today’s trying times.


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