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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Sharing Truth With Followers of Jakes and Osteen

Sharing Truth With Followers

Devotees of the above names my not like this lesson, but bear with me. A brother-in-Christ asked me how to discuss Christian beliefs with his friends who are their followers (don’t know if they’re believers). He doesn’t feel that he can discuss in-depth Christian beliefs with them because of their shallow understanding of the Bible. My response was, “Not knowing a lot about in-depth Christian beliefs is why people adhere to the teachings of Jakes, Osteen, or any other false teacher. Rather than start out explaining Christian beliefs, I would kindly ask your friends have they read the Bible for themselves (how often and what books). Then ask them to show you a passage they use to support whatever they believe, starting with salvation. Then, discuss the Bible, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, etc. The aim is to get Jakes and Osteen out of the picture and get them to focus on their own personal beliefs. That will open the door for you to kindly show your beliefs based on Scripture.You don’t have to “go deep” with them. Keep it plain like Phillip did with the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:24-35) and like Paul’s approach to the church of Corinth (1 Cor. 2:1-5). Pray first, of course. Hopefully, they will be open-minded and intellectually honest. Even if not, the Holy Spirit can do wonders with the truth of the Word. The early church apostles knew that God’s power lies in prayer and the Word (Acts 6:4). Those who resist or disbelieve the Word are preferring falsehood, even though they don’t know it (2 Tim. 3:13). In this world that’s ruled by the greatest liar, Satan (John 8:44; Eph. 2:2), it’s easier to believe a lie than the truth. All we as believers can do is pray, share the truth, and leave the results to the Holy Spirit. I know you you already know that, but I hope this helps. Blessings!” If you don’t believe Jakes and Osteen are false prophets, I respect your right to believe that. If you would, please share with me what they believe and on what scripture do they base their belief.Then decide right now that you’ll still love me if I disagree. If not, I’ll still deeply love you and pray for you. Blessings.

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