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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Politicizing Morality is Senseless

My daughter’s comment:

“Every time a tragedy like this happens, gun control is AGAIN brought up and absolutely nothing changes. Every right-wing/conservative's go-to response is "let's not politicize this" to avoid having to explain why in the world they are so opposed to what 80% of our country wants... sensible gun control laws. Maybe it's because they've lined their pockets with NRA funds.....

I feel absolutely horrible for those families in Uvalde, but sadly there will be more and we'll send thoughts and prayers yet again. Something's gotta change and it's not with more guns and arming teachers. There is obviously also a mental health element in this case, but no 18-year-old should be able to legally purchase an AR-15 and ammo.”

My response:

“Thanks, my heartbeat, for your comments. Your father is conservative but not a "right-winger" (not sure what that means). I strongly support the 2nd Amendment, I own 3 guns, and have a permit to carry. The tragedy in Uvalde is certainly heartbreaking to many Americans. Unfortunately, guns end up in the wrong hands, but I don't believe that's a political issue. It's a moral issue that is antithetical to political issues. God decides what's moral, but politics have reversed God's standards. "Love" means total permissiveness (LGBT+ and incest), lying is acceptable and expedient, adultery and fornication are acceptable recreational means of pleasure between consenting "whatevers," abortion is "healthcare," crimes (including murder) by the "oppressed" are justified, disrespect for government officials (including policemen and policewomen) is a noble cause, using profanity is okay (especially the "F" word), etc. What happened in Uvalde is solely a moral issue because God said "You shall not murder" (Ex. 20:13). I believe it's okay for 18-year-olds to own a gun (not an AR-15) if he's mentally sound and has no criminal record. If 80% of Americans want sensible gun control laws, the question is what does each one mean by "sensible gun control?" Murderers are not violating the 2nd Amendment by owning guns. They violate a person's right to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in America. They should be duly executed (hopefully, get saved while on death row). People have been murdered by hands, knives, cars, clubs, wooden rods, ropes, poisons, etc. Al Capone beat a man's brains out with a baseball bat. So, how far should we go with banning items used in murder? Will murder ever cease? We may or may not be on different sides of the issue, but I want you to see what's been on my mind and thus why I support the 2nd Amendment as is and reasonable supplemental laws, believe in gun ownership for 18-year-olds (including AR-15 but only for those in the military), and having a license to carry. I will use my guns in a hot minute to defend myself, my family, and my fellow citizens if someone dares to attempt to commit murder in my presence. That's a natural instinct for reasonable people.

Daddy loves you, even if you strongly disagree.


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