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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

My Discussion With a Dear Younger Black Brother

My Discussion With a Dear Younger Black Brother

He grew up in Memphis, TN during the 80’s and 90’s. Here’s his response to my piece on “Come off the Plantation.”

Thx Rev (and Ira). Again, based on the ‘southern world’ I grew up in, the things you all point out are enlightening, almost shocking given what's put in front of most Blacks. Using similar terminology, most Blacks are only exposed to ‘liberalism’ and have no true concept of ‘conservatism’; no real understanding unless we meet someone who opens up our eyes. In other words, we don't know what we don't know. I didn't get exposed to anything that challenged my thinking after growing up in the South, military, and 4yr+ college education until I met JESUS at age 25; my whole world was us vs them. Then, it took GOD removing me from a certain environment and years to unravel all I'd learned about religion, race, and politics. I was/am open and reasonable which raises the question, 'Where will truth in All matters come from?' There is only a hand full of brothers who know biblical Truth and true history. I have not encountered many in "my world" but recognize I can continue to expand my world of influences.

There is a great void in our community. Heart and conviction changes don't happen overnight but exposure to Truth starts the process. Further, GOD will aid the process if Christians focus on advocating Truth over a political party. This doesn't mean we should be afraid of our affiliations but be careful with promoting one or another. The Holy Spirit will easily guide those decisions when our hearts are right with Him.

Iron really does sharpen iron and I'm grateful for real Men of GOD like you Brothers.


My response to him:

“Well said (my brother). Thank you so much. My heart goes out to my younger black brothers and sisters who's been deprived of our true history, in some cases by our own who knew it but didn't want to reveal it in order to keep us dependent upon them while at the same time they remained dependent upon bigoted white people who maintained systematic racism in the past, say 50 years ago. It has mostly phased out. However, black ‘race’ hustlers prosper as long as they can keep economically disadvantaged blacks under their influence by strongly advocating that blacks are helpless victims in a white world. Many young blacks (including Millennials) are waking up to the truth, even some unsaved ones who prefer to be conservative rather than liberal. However, as you brothers know, conservatism is not conversion to Christ but an ideology with some, not all, biblical principles that are appealing to the unsaved. Paul discusses these unsaved conservatives in Romans 2:12-16 where the word ‘law’ means righteousness which the unsaved conservatives don't have, but they, as do all humans, have God's moral law written in their conscience. Unsaved conservatives mostly comply with their conscience while liberals rarely do. When Christ opened my eyes to understand the truth, I pursued it all the more, wrestled with it sometimes (I lost every time), committed my life to it (God's word), and never looked back. Lastly, my conservatism is subservient to my Christian worldview which is rooted in Scripture. God is not holding me (us) responsible for being conservative since the unsaved can also be that, but He's holding me (us) responsible for being biblical.

Blessings! 🙏🏾❤️”

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