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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Luke on Evangelism

From my Friend and Brother Luke:

“Rev. Proctor, its quite interesting that you bring this up because I had a very similar conversation with Katrina on our drive to Tennessee. Almost confirms what GOD was speaking…I also left that discussion with questions for the group that I’ll touch on later…there is a lot to unpack here but here’s a small effort…I am convinced in my spirit that GOD has called me to evangelism. Before I even knew what it was, I was ‘evangelizing’ passionately and later had in depth study on the matter. The Hebrew breakdown of the word used only a few times in the bible is to ‘proclaim good news.’ To the degree to which evangelism today is unbiblical, I have some alignment with your position, in that we have invitations and relationships that doesn’t emphasize repentance and following JESUS as LORD; saving faith is a heart change that has evidence in the way we live according to James. Further, today’s evangelism is unbiblical because it simply falls far short of the myriad of ways to evangelize under the power of the Holy Spirit. I am under the conviction that GOD defined ‘the what’ but left room for ‘the how.’Meaning, he told us to ‘GO into all the world and preach the gospel…’ and ‘GO therefore and make disciples…’ leaving us with examples such as Paul, Philip, Timothy, Peter, and early disciples who were scattered in Acts. The key is that all were led by the Holy Spirit because HE does ALL the work where we are the vessels. I believe evangelism fall short because we have so few willing vessels locked in on GOD’S plan to save souls and build HIS Kingdom giving honor to His plan that started with the Abrahamic covenant and includes the Davidic covenant. We have made evangelism ‘the job’ of the Pastor who has embraced this role versus equipping the Saints to evangelize…so much to say but will end here…In summary, ironically I meditated on this during my trip. I agree that GOD works through the human flaws to reach souls; thank GOD! I would further support use of sinners prayer, as one of many ways (the how), if it goes beyond ‘mental ascent’ and get to the heart of the matter that one stands guilty before a Holy GOD and must do more that ‘Admit’ sin but Turn from sin and Turn to JESUS.

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