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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Judging Fruit of Attitudes and Behavior

This one is lengthy but worth reading because it reflects today’s mindset of so many people in our postmodern world.

Paulette: “I just recvd a text from my 1st grade friend, Bobby. He really likes Buttigieg & I told him last yr, “no he should never be President.” Bobby is so impressed with his intelligence, what he says he believes in & the changes he desires to make if elected as Pres… He says that Mayor Pete has never paid off a hooker, cheated on his spouse or any of the sins that heterosexual’s engage in. He is faithful in his beliefs & to his husband. He thinks I’m judging M. Pete & ostracizing him. I told Bobby this man has faith in something but he’s not fooling everybody. A double minded person is unstable in all of their ways. He is not really married because God does not condone marriage in other ways. The First Gentlemen in the Whitehouse, just the thought of it makes me ill. What do you think, without being political?”

My response: “I agree with you. It’s not a political issue but a moral one. You and I know that only God determines what’s moral, not man. If Bobby believes that judging is wrong, then his accusing you of judging also amounts to judging. That’s hypocritical. Judging in Matt. 7:1-2 means “discernment” (“to distinguish mentally; recognize as distinct or different; discriminate” []). It’s okay as long as it is not hypocritical or inaccurate. In order for us to discern (or know) the difference of what’s right or wrong, we have to observe (or “inspect”) the fruit of one’s attitude and lifestyle – Jesus said “You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?…20 So then, you will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16,20). Bobby is apparently ignoring the difference or has redefined morality to suit his own agenda. Many do that today to also justify themselves. It has nothing to do with politics, but ungodly minds politicize morality and ethics to justify anything that’s clearly wrong. Let’s stay on the biblical side.” Makes sense?


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