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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

History in my Lifetime

A text from a brother said, “Very unique times in front of us Brothers. I pray you and your families are well. Be sure to speak up if you have any spiritual or material needs… Rev Proctor, I do have a question for you. Can you compare what we are dealing with now to any event in your lifetime?”

My response:

“(My brother), This crisis is the most unique I’ve seen in my lifetime. In my almost 73 years on earth, I’ve lived to witness the days of white bigotry, the Civil Rights Movement, the Watt’s riot, assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, and Medgar Evers (all in the 60’s), the devastating Viet Nam war, a US President shamefully resigned from office, Islamic terrorism, the Gulf War, Clinton’s impeachment, and 911. None compare with the current crisis. The shutdown of businesses, schools, and churches, early store closings, empty grocery shelves, social distancing, the rapid global spread of a deadly virus, and our capital in serious turmoil, are events I’ve never witnessed before. I’ve never witnessed so much hysteria. Yet, some positive things are happening: more families are home together and praying, abortion clinics are closed, more folks are thinking about God and the last days, and the crime rate is down. As Jesus said, ‘Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest’ (John 4:35). I believe God is preparing many hearts for the gospel in these last days. Now is the time for the church to ‘step up to the plate.’ That’s what it should have been doing in the first place. If it misses this opportunity, things will most likely get worse. I’m certainly not a prophet, but an overview of history during my lifetime tells me that God may be ready to wind down the church age. It’s just an inkling. I can’t find scriptural support for it. All is in God’s hands. Ultimately, the best is yet to come for the believers (Titus 2:13-14). Thanks for the question.”


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