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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

God’s Truth Verses Man’s Ideologies

I shared an article about our government attempting to prohibit church attendance. One dear brother objected, saying it sounded like “conservative Republican propaganda.” He mentioned that Trump tried to revamp the USPS, but Biden later blocked it. I respected his reply and gave my response as follows: “Good evening (my brother), Thanks for your response. Yes, my brother, I too are familiar with the issues regarding the USPS. Many of them are mentioned in a book entitled ‘Why America Doesn't Work.’ Our country has become so politicized that the truth has been shrouded in ambiguity. I'm also familiar with the ACLJ and can assure you that, although they are conservative, as I am, they are not strictly biased toward Republicans. They are balanced in that they acknowledge that there are good Democrats and bad Republicans. That's simply being opened minded to truth/reality. The matter of Christians being forced to work on Sundays goes beyond the policies of the Post Office. Many companies require their employees to work on Sundays. I don't believe Christians should expect or demand their employers to let them off on Sundays, especially if their employer is unsaved. At the same time, I believe churches should schedule their worship services to accommodate members who work on Sundays. By the way, there's no specific day of worship required in the New Testament (Rom. 14:5). Sunday was decreed on Mar. 7, 321 by the Roman Emperor Constantine (AD 272-330). He had no biblical basis for that. I do believe all the propaganda surrounding COVID-19 was in part an attempt to keep people from attending church, and to a great extent it worked. Most church folks go on live stream or ZOOM. I'm convinced that regardless of who is President, our federal government, most of the news media, social media, educational institutions, the military, and now the healthcare institutions (including the WHO and big pharma) are creatively and constantly suppressing the truth. This is happening in countries all over the world. Why? Because prophecy is coming to fulfillment (1 Tim. 4:1-3, 2 Tim. 3:1-9). Rom. 1:18-32 is a sobering description of the wrath of God upon the wickedness of men in the past up to contemporary times. Three times it says ‘God gave them over,’ first to immorality (1:24-25), second to homosexuality (1:26-27), and third to insanity (1:28-32). This applies to liberals, conservatives, progressives, and all in between. No one will become a new creation in Christ until they hear and believe the gospel (Eph. 1:13-14; 1 Cor. 5:17). That's the only way our minds can be liberated from the shackles of deceptive ideologies constantly dumped upon us. In conclusion, my brother, we as true Christians must heed the words of our Savior - ‘If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ (John 8:31-32). Even if you disagree with me, my love and respect for you will never cease. 🙏🏾❤️”


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