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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Ezekiel’s Prophecy and Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Responding to a question regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its relevance to Ezekiel’s prophecy (chapters 38 & 39), I texted the following:

…I concur with Charlie Dyer's explanation in the O.T. Bible Knowledge Commentary on pages 1299-1300. The names in Ezek. 38:2 are also mentioned in Gen. 10:2, except "Rosh," as the descendants of Japheth, Noah's oldest son (Gen. 9:24; 10:24), in Ezek. 39:2, and only Gog and Magog in Rev. 20:8. "Rosh" is rightly taken by Dyer to mean "chief" or "head," not a proper name.

They settled in the North where Russia is today. Thus, Ezekiel had real locations in mind but not the Soviet Union. Actually, Meshech and Tubal were located in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). All the nations mentioned in 38:2-3, 5-6, according to Dyer, under Russian influence will attack Israel from the North during the great tribulation period (Matt. 24:21). I agree. This seems to be reflected in Revelation 12:13-17 where Satan, using these nations, will attack Israel, who is the woman. I'm not dogmatic about my answer, but I feel I'm close to being correct. In addition, I do believe Ezek. 38 and 39 have some relevance to current events. For details, I refer you to Dr. Andy Woods, a graduate of Dallas Seminary and an astute Bible prophecy teacher. Here is Dr. Woods' video lesson:

It's over an hour but well worth listening to.

I’m adding this: So, get a soft drink or cup of coffee, sit in a comfortable chair, and enjoy the video, even if you disagree with Dr. Woods. There’s still something to learn.


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