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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Discussing the Prochoice Position With My Daughters

My middle daughter said it’s very controversial, and my oldest one said a woman should have the right to choose. The following is my response:

“I really appreciate your comments, my heartbeats. Yes, this topic does spark not only controversy but also hostility and has done so for a long time, even before 1973 when Roe v Wade was passed.

Thankfully, your mother and I were never prochoice. Otherwise, we probably would have robbed ourselves of three beautiful daughters. She was very sick with Vivi in the 1st 3 mos. of her pregnancy. She even stayed in Okmulgee for a week with Wee-Toe (her Creek Indian-blooded mother) who was very helpful. She prayed hard when she became pregnant with Shanna, and God kept her pain very minimal. Missy was our surprise baby. Mama discovered that she was pregnant after we moved from Tennessee to Oklahoma in Feb. 1977, the year I started at Dallas Theological Seminary. The move there was very stressful, and Mama stayed tired a lot but had very little pain. With sickness, pain, and stressful circumstances, the thought of aborting our babies never crossed our mind, whereas many other people, even some married ones, were using those and other flimsy excuses to get abortions.

As I mentioned earlier, I believe choice is a God-given privilege (Gen. 2:16-17), and the consequences are inevitable, immediately or eventually. According to God's word, abortion is clearly murder, but when our emotions clog our reason, we immediately resort to excuses for it. Many pro-choice advocates don't know the real truth about Roe v Wade, Planned Parenthood and its founder, Margret Sanger, nor the euthanasia movement in this country. I challenge anyone to watch a documentary entitled "Maafa." See it at

My aim is not to change anybody's mind. Only Jesus can do that. My aim is to inform people about the truth, starting with God, then Jesus, then seeing how to make an accurate practical application of that truth to life. Scripture says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; All those who follow His commandments have a good understanding; His praise endures forever" (Ps. 111:10).

Opposing the Lord's wisdom and disobeying His commands amount to foolishness, basically the lack of common sense. That's what we're witnessing today in America, including the issue of abortion.

My stern response in no way means I don't respect your right, my heartbeats, to hold a different view than mine. I welcome any rebuttals, along with any support for them. That's how I conducted my college classes on Old & New Testament History. All views were valid, but the most convincing ones were those supported with well researched material, including the use of Bible passages when possible.

And, don't ever doubt my love for you (my heartbeats), no matter what you believe. 🙏🏾❤️”

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