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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Christianity Today Supports Impeachment of Trump

Christianity Today Supports Impeachment of Trump, dated 12/20/19.

My Response: I read the article and found it very interesting. First, Christianity Today is evangelical in name only. They phased out of that camp many years ago. Neither do they represent all white evangelicals. While I would never justify any wrongdoing on the part of any president, including Mr. Trump, I feel the article was biased and unfair to evangelicals who support the president. His soiled moral track record has always been known and inexcusable, just as Bill Clinton’s, Lyndon Johnson’s, John Kennedy’s, Eisenhower’s, FDR, etc. (all heartily embraced). The article gave no concrete evidence of a crime (as no one else has) but totally ignored the crimes of the FBI, CIA, and NSA leaders who were illegally involved in conjuring up baseless and false accusations and the past crimes of Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi and the unethical behavior of others (i.e., Schiff) involved in the impeachment process. That’s hypocrisy, my brother. Even if I didn’t support the president, I could never side with his political opponents in Washington. If Mr. Trump doesn’t deserve to be in office, neither do they. Then, who should be president? I would like to ask that question to the writer of that article in CT. I’m deeply disappointed. Let’s face it. We can disagree, but we’re still brothers-in-Christ and cannot allow this issue to water down our love for each other. However, I believe God is working behind the scenes and eventually will bring out the truth. In the meantime, we’ve got to pray for our country, get the gospel of Jesus out to lost souls, and teach God’s truth (Scripture) to new and longstanding believers. This is the only way believers will be able to discern the truth from error.


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