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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Choosing a Church

A black sister wants to leave her predominately white local church because she feels unloved by the white members. She’s considering a predominately local black church. She asked me for advice. Here’s my answer:

“Greetings (My sister), My prayer for you is that God's sufficient grace sustains and carries you through this spiritual battle in your life. May the Lord clarify where He wants you to serve and worship. Since spiritual battles are invisible, it's easy to forget that (they’re real - Eph. 6:10-18). They are rampant in all local churches, especially where Christ is foundational and the Bible is the final authority of faith and practice. I have felt in Black local churches some of what you are feeling in a predominantly white church. I also think of my Christian friends, including leaders, who experienced intense problems from Black church members. Mistreatment is inexcusable and never justified, and Christians of all ethnic groups should know better (Ephesians 4:31-32).

So, it boils down to who or what is in control, the Holy Spirit or the flesh. Scripture tells us to “be filled with the Spirit," regardless of our ethnicity

(Ephesians 5:18). He will help us see the bigger picture and see why we need to depend on Him" (Eph. 1:17-21). I hope this is helpful. Blessings!”

Another text from me followed:

“Be encouraged and let the Lord lead you to the church where He wants you. If it's perfect, don't join it! I think you know why 😃. But, if it's where you can feel and be your best for the glory of God, in spite of it imperfections, that may be the place. Pray and visit 3 or 4 ethnically mixed congregations, inquire about a doctrinal statement (their beliefs), observe the general demeanor without being critical, and see what ministry opportunities of your interest are available. Stay focused on God's will for your life.”


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