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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

Changing Definitions; Creating Scenarios

A dear brother texted me about people “predicting scenarios” in order to skirt the truth about the current disruptions throughout the the U.S. He mentioned the Eleven Point Plan of the Frankfort School (group of scholars) in Germany. You can Google it.

My reply:

Thanks (brother) for your input. The Eleven Point Plan of the Frankfort School is what I consider the schematic tool of socialist/progressive activists who not only use scenarios (including virtual reality) but also change definitions of terms in order to achieve their ultimate goal of control/socialism. The mantra of such form of government is "From each according to his ability, to each according his needs” (pure Marxism). Also in line with this idea is equity, a good word but nowadays days loaded with meaning opposed to logic. For example, all school tests results should be equal. Or, there should be no winners nor losers in athletic events. People have a right to be whatever they think they are and given every opportunity to manifest that. Distinctions between rich and poor, strong and weak, high and low I.Q.'s, etc. should be totally eliminated. This is the dream of the socialist's ultimate goal - communism. On the other hand, equality means equal opportunity for everyone to enjoy their freedom, engage in education, sports, drama, serve in the military, find gainful employment, start a business, etc.

Citizens can be productive in whatever is their area of expertise. So, if I correctly understood you about scenarios, I believe such are already being used in the process toward equity/socialism. That's an unreal world!

As I read Rom. 1, certain words always catch my attention:

"suppress the truth" v. 18

"evident within them" v. 19

"without excuse" v. 20

"senseless hearts were darkened" v. 21

"they became fools" v. 22

"exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God" v. 23

"God gave them up" v. 24

"exchanged the truth of God" v. 25

"God gave them over" v. 26

"the due penalty of their error" v. 27

"God gave them up" v. 28

And finally,

"and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also approve of those who practice them"

(Romans 1:32).

This passage has been used by a prominent Christian theologian to show that God has abandoned the US. I have a hard time disagreeing with that view although I see it as a divine process that in our current time is being expedited.

Well, I have unloaded what's on my heart.


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