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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

“Black Lives Matter” Connotations

I must admit that I have a problem with the words “Black Lives Matter.” While I agree with the idea, I don’t agree with the popular nuance that, in my mind, transmits a victimized mentality and raises questions regarding whom BLM is addressing. Is it just white policemen or white folks in general? What about Asians, Hispanics, and blacks who kill blacks, etc.?). A large percentage of black babies (some est. nearly 40%) are aborted yearly. There’s no outcry for this nor for the black-on-black murders in our large inner cities. I can go along with the movement if (1) it didn’t have the BLM label and (2) if its aim were evangelistic. If wicked hearts are not changed (Jeremiah 17:9), injustice on the part of all ethnic groups will continue ’til Jesus comes.

I think MLK would not prefer the words “Black Lives Matter.” Why? Because he did not favor the words “Black Power,” believing that it was “essentially an emotional concept” and divisive. The term, “Black Lives Matter,” organization or movement, is as explosive as “White Supremacy” or “systematic racism.” May God give us wisdom to detect wrong ideologies cloaked in impressive words. Only God’s truth brings liberation (John 8:31-32). The impact of that passage should make us determined to adhere to God’s truth which is His word. “Black Lives Matter” is true as a general statement, but today underneath it lies a bigoted, immoral, and socialistic ideology, blinding the minds of those who support it. All lives matter to God and should also matter to man. God loves mankind more than mankind loves itself. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Did Christ die because the lives of only a certain ethnic group matter? NO! He died because all individuals are sinners and thus all need salvation. That’s the biggest matter. I boldly and firmly stand on those words even though I realize many blacks, whites, and Hispanics (including church folks) vehemently disagree.

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