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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

America’s Constitution

If America’s Constitution is Changed or Destroyed I keep a copy of the Constitution in my car. I have also studied and read the Declaration of Independence. Having read those documents, I see no hint that those documents advocate ethnic bigotry in any way. I would challenge anyone to show me if he/she thinks it does. When Frederick Douglas (1818-1895) read the Constitution, he concluded that it wasn’t pro-slavery nor is it an anti-Black law. Yet many leftists and liberals, black and white who should know better, make that assertion. The reason is that they want to change or destroy the Constitution. Once that’s done (the process has been ongoing for at least 90 years), the US will no longer be as we know it. Three basic freedoms will disappear: (1) personal freedom (speech & thought) (2) freedom to own property (3) freedom to manufacture and distribute goods. An elite group will control all the people, their livelihood, and their activities, whatever they are. That’s pure socialism. If you read about the history of socialism, you’ll learn how damnable it is. In America, Detroit under Coleman Young is a prime example. Then, look at San Francisco and Los Angeles where socialist ideas flourish, and even employed people are homeless, and public streets are used as latrines. I take these things as signs of God’s abandonment of America. We deserve it because a holy God cannot let sin be without judging it, although He’s willing to be gracious and merciful (Psalm 103:8-18). So, those who hate America and the Constitution are in for a rude awakening and a horrifying future under wicked rulers (Prov. 28:15; 29:2, 12). As believers, though, we can confidently trust in our Lord as the psalmist did – “But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me” (Psalm 13:5-6).


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