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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

A Respectful Response

My brothers and sisters, I received a text from a brother-in-Christ giving me his take on the impeachment of the president. Below are his words and my response.

My brother:“Soooo, it finally happened, Donald, the most corrupt, lying, xenophobic, misogynistic, I could go on and on……without equivocation….the worst president, embarrassing USA all over the world, has been IMPEACHED!!!!! He may not be removed from office yet, but his horrendous legacy has been documented in history forever. As more evidence comes out, he will never get another term in office. The Lord will protect us. Peace my brother” My response: “Wow! I heartily respect your feelings toward the president. I disagree with the impeachment. Ultimately, his political career is in the Lord’s hands as are all politicians, the good and the bad. Yes, the Lord will protect us from all bad politicians as He determines what is meant by “bad.” Sadly, our country is dangerously divided over that. Heated volatility among various factions (including believers) is frightening. It’s like the days before the Civil War – intense hatred, sometimes veiled with impressive rhetoric, and then the first shot is fired and the war is on. As a Christian and an Independent, I pray that never happens again. If it does, I’ll see it as a judgment from God because our country as a whole has told God to “Get lost.” We’ve always disagreed over leaders in our government, but if the way we handle those disagreements displeases God (including our attitude), then that’s a bigger problem, regardless of the leaders. May God help us maintain a biblical view of government so we can be wise with our preferences and with our attitudes and responses. I could say more but will close with the following: “Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, For wisdom and power belong to Him. ‘It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men And knowledge to men of understanding”’ (Daniel 2:20-21).

I just wanted to share that with you. I don’t mind if you disagree with me. My love for you is not based on your agreeing with me. I have been cleverly blacklisted by some, but that’s okay. I’m not on the “warpath.”


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