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Writer's pictureBruce A Proctor

A Biblical Perspective on Ethnicity

A sister-in-Christ responded to my words about “Ethnic Unity in Christ.” She feels that Blacks need to focus on color. My response: “Thank you, my sister, for your input. It was a Black brother who texted that comment to me. My point to him was that our ethnicity as blacks/African Americans is not a standard to determine right and wrong nor is any other ethnic group. Focusing on color (no one is colorless by the way) as a God-given trait is healthy for any ethnic group. After all, God made us who and what we are (Psalm 139:13-18). But when one ethnic group mistreats another ethnic group, for whatever reason, it’s dead wrong (see commandments 6-10 in Exodus 20). Also, when members of the same ethnic group mistreat each other, that’s also dead wrong. The one(s) mistreated should not see himself/herself as a victim and assume defeat and a mediocre way of life. I had that attitude as a teenager growing up in Los Angeles (Watts) while living in the projects with my younger brother and mother who was shacking. In my environment, I was headed for a messy adult life. I knew nothing about Martin Luther King nor the Civil Rights Movement. I knew there were white bigots, but I also knew there were no-good black men and women. I had no Christian influence and was very confused most of the time. To make an already long story short, God opened my eyes to behold His Son and experience His grace. As I have kept my focus on Him, I’ve come to understand the sinfulness of all ethnic groups (Rom. 3:10-18) and pray that God uses me to share His love and grace.”


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